Solar Panel Efficiency | Secrets To Increase Your Solar Panel Efficiency By 25 to 40%

How To Improve Your Solar Panel Efficiency?

Since the last century, engineers have been working hard to improve the solar panel efficiency. The first solar panel had an efficiency of around 6 percent. After being used this technology successfully on various spacecrafts, the analysis and research on solar photovoltaic panels intensified. A lot of improvements were made and the commercial solar panel efficiency increased to about 20 percent. The efficiency of photovoltaic panels is more than doubled in last 60 years.

solar panel efficiency
Lately there are solar panels that boast a efficiency of 30 percent. Those are specially doped triple junction cells that started its development as dual junction cells. Alternatively those phenomenons are largely restricted within the laboratory and engineers are nonetheless unable to supply such solar panels in huge amounts without charging customers an arm and a leg for it. Extra work is still done before retailers stock up photovoltaic panels endowed with this technology.

Factors Affecting The Solar Panel Efficiency

Practically, as consumers we can't do much about the technology. You might be shocked to know how little we do to improve our solar panel efficiency, achieving top efficiency in reality goes a long way -- that is due to the reason solar panels are designed to last for long decades and small differences add up.

Correct Orientation And Tilt Angle: One crucial factor that we should make sure is to put our photovoltaic panels in the correct orientation and tilt angle. The ideal position helps solar panels obtain essentially the most sunshine throughout the day and across various seasons of the year. It helps in reducing the pay back period. In case you happen to live in the northern hemisphere, then you should orientate your photovoltaic panels toward south. Tilt your solar panels to the right angle, which depends on the latitude of your solar panel site. Positioning and installing your solar panels the right way will expose your solar panels to direct, unobstructed sunlight all day.

Effect Of Shading: Many homeowners don't understand the adversarial effect that shading will have on their solar panel efficiency. Even though just one solar cell is shaded, the whole energy output of the solar generator may be reduced dramatically. The shaded solar cell acts as a resister and drains the electricity that is generated by its neighbors. The power reduces as the resistance increases.

Accumulation Of Dust: The other thing that could reduce our solar panel efficiency is he accumulation of dust on the surface of glass. It dissipates sunlight that could have reached the photovoltaic cells to generate more power. As dirt and dust will get collected inevitably, the only way is to regularly wash the glass surface. If you happen to live in a relatively dust free environment, this must be a rare activity.

Temperature: It is the another important factor that affects the solar panel efficiency. As the temperature keeps on getting higher, the solar panel efficiency drops. Unluckily, more amount of heat is gathered as solar panel receives more sunlight. Therefore the efficiency tends to taper as the intensity of sunshine increases. Hence, we must make it sure that you install solar panels sufficiently far enough from roof shingles. The space or gap between the photovoltaic panel and roof may permit air movement to carry away extra heat that could have been otherwise trapped there.

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Earth4Energy offers lot of fantastic homemade solar panels solution on their site, which can be built easily, for the low cost of less than $200.

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